Most basic life skills are learned through observations as a child. Perhaps you had life skills classes in elementary and middle school, but feel challenged in executing basic adult responsibilities, such as laundry, cleaning, and paying bills now that you manage and run your own household.

Over the years as my family and needs have shifted and evolved, I have designed home systems to run on autopilot in the background. Harnessing the knowledge that I have as a home organizer, mom, and adult, I am excited to kickoff a series of short online courses that will support you in building sustainable solutions. These systems will allow you to spend your time focused on your priorities.

“Proper Adulting” is our term for "practical life skills to create more time to do what you love." "Proper Adulting” courses provide an opportunity to revisit and refine those life skills you learned years ago. Our courses are designed to provide critical, actionable steps to make things you have to do as an adult a little bit easier and less daunting.

Online programs will be released throughout 2020.